
Lazy partner

Lazy partner

I loved complaining…

about how things ought to work. The need for better solutions would often consume me. So I got good at building things, and prioritizing, and launching those things. But I never stopped complaining. Thus, another product manager was born.

I worked on ad tech and big data at Yahoo! and YP!, before jumping into marketing tech and AI at ReSci, where we continue to build cool stuff to make AI accessible for all types of e-commerce companies.

Poker came into the picture somewhere in the middle of that, and it taught me more about product management and leadership than I could have possibly imagined.

If you are results oriented, you will fail at poker. If I lost but did the right thing, I needed to keep doing the right things, even if I lost again and again. If I won but did the wrong thing, I had to forget the win, and focus on not doing wrong things. I had to be brutally honest with myself all the time.

I had to make decisions with imperfect information, often under tremendous pressure. Guessing right more than guessing wrong wins you more money. So I learned to guess right more often. And you can only do that with intense preparation and study, and relentless execution in the moment.

So poker taught me to be a better professional. And also made me a little money too.

Even after all that I have achieved, I know I have much more to learn. For now, I just want to share what the knowledge I have accumulated in the hope it can help others.